The Government of Canada’s Restorative Engagement Program

The Government of Canada’s Restorative Engagement Program

The Government of Canada outlined in a statement its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive public service that is free of harassment, discrimination and violence, including the development of a restorative engagement program. In addition, the Clerk of the Privy Council has set out actions for the public service through the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service.

In collaboration with an interdepartmental advisory working group, a panel of four recognized experts in clinical psychology, mediation, dispute resolution and restorative practices supported the development and implementation of a restorative engagement program and led the engagement process with various networks and organizations. These experts include the CIWBR’s own Linda Crockett, TREASURY BOARD SECRETARIAT OF CANADA Expert Advisor on TBS Restorative Task Force related to harassment and discrimination in the Public Service, and co-author of two expert panel reports – the “What We Heard Report” and the ‘Recommendations Report’’ to the TBS President on the Restorative Engagement Program for the Federal Public Service September 2023 – February 2024.