

Workplace Psychological
Safety Specialists

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

as powerful drivers of respect, equality,

The CIWBR Champions

and collaboration in the workplace.


Diversity and Inclusion

Alberta bullying recovery centre

Prevention, Intervention, Solutions, Repair, and Recovery Options

Workplace Training

for all professions, industries, Institutions, and Communities

& Speaking Engagements

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Linda Crockett, IAWBH

Linda Crockett has 37+ years experience, and has been

Linda Crockett

Recognized for Individual Leadership in Harassment Prevention


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Childhood Bullying

"Childhood bullying isn't just a phase -

it's a critical issue that scars the mind and soul.

As adults, we must make it a global priority,

to ensure every child grows up in an environment

of safety, respect, and support." ~ Linda Crockett

Childhood Bullying

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Workplace Bullying Awareness Week 2023

Bullying is a worldwide problem.

October 13 – 19, 2024

Workplace Bullying

Together we are the solution.


Awareness Week

Alberta bullying recovery centreWorkplace Bullying Awareness Week 2023

Who Am I?

Linda Crockett, MSW, RSW, SEP, CCPA

Linda has been specializing in workplace harassment and anti-bullying for 13 years, a certified workplace trauma consultant/coach/therapist for 12 years, and a professional social worker for 36 years. As a fully recovered – repeated witness and target of Workplace Harassment and Bullying in her own profession, her career is dedicated to development of the Canadian Institute of Workplace Harassment and Violence (not for profit), and The Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying Resources Inc. (for profit).

Linda believes in providing specialized services to all parties involved in these complex cases. Using a holistic perspective to offer a variety of trauma informed services focusing on prevention, crisis or early intervention, and repair or recovery options.

Linda offers a highly experienced lens for her clients. It is important to fully understand the experiences of each party involved e.g., complainant, responded, witnesses, and the leaders.

“Without this level of trauma informed, in-depth learning, we will never fully resolve the epidemic of workplace bullying and harassment.” ~ Linda Crockett

Customized trauma informed training, leadership or staff consults, and private confidential sessions are offered to leaders, HR, Unions, Safety, Insurance, Medical Teams, and individuals (employees or adult students, and/or groups.

We work with leaders, complainants, witnesses, and respondents at whatever stage they are at. Our work is confidential, informative, supportive, safe, and collaborative.

Times of Crisis Increase Risks of Bullying

If you are a leader struggling with how to manage these cases, ask us about our Triage Model, Consultants, Training, and Coaching for leadership.

If you are an Employee who is being targeted (complainant), and struggling with the impact of this abuse and what to do about it, or if you are a witness who is struggling with what you see and feel, we have a resource for you too. Also, if you have been accused of bullying (respondent), whether substantiated, unsubstantiated, or false, we offer all our clients a safe, confidential, trauma informed, successful (award winning) resource. This is a safe – confidential – space for you to find answers and solutions.

If you are an investigator, human resources, safety officer, union, medical team, or insurance company who needs consultants, case debriefing, or training, we have our specialize services for you.

Looking for a workshop to help employees during and after our Pandemic? We have a half day and full day workshop for support through returning to work, or a new normal. This includes re-connection, repairing concerns, addressing fears and anxiety, re-vitalizing, along with a review of company policies!

What Makes Us The Best Choice?


  • Linda has a Master’s degree with specialty in Workplace Bullying Harassment
  • Graduate of the Workplace Bullying Institute – Alumni and Star Guest
  • Member: International Assoc of Workplace Bullying and Harassment
  • Accountable to the Regulatory Body of ACSW
  • 32 yr. experience in professional social work addressing complex dynamics, navigating workplace systems i.e.: human rights, unions, human resources, insurance companies, mental health, and more.
  • 10+ years of experience in this specialized area, with hundreds of organizations, leaders, and thousands of employees.
  • Program development, identifying gaps in processes, training/ case managing high level crisis orientation case loads
  • Complex abuse investigations including training of investigators
  • Holistic Perspective: needs of Organization, Employees, and Policy.
  • Our workshops are rated as ′excellent′ by attendees
  • We offer facts about legislation, policies, research, and the complexities of the human experience of this phenomenon.
  • We offer guidance, solutions, support, and a variety of resources to accommodate all aspects: prevention, intervention, and repair.

Upcoming Appearances

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Workplace Bullying Awareness Week 2022
Worldwide Support for Allan Halse


Workshops customized to meet the unique needs of your industry.

We work in collaboration with professionals all across Canada. This includes investigations, consultations, workplace coaching, assessment, policy development and training, as well as short or long term counselling and facilitation of group discussions.

Valued Sponsors & Affiliations

Who Support Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Alberta Network of Immigrant Women
Star Agassi Consulting
Taylor Janis Workplace Law

Recent Articles & Information

Interesting news and articles from our blog.