Blog Articles

Empowered Self-Protection

Empowered Self-Protection

How Previous Trauma & Pre-Existing Conditions Increase Risk of Harm & What You Can Do to Prevent Relapse or New Diagnosis

Definitions of Discrimination

Definitions of Discrimination

Discrimination involves unfair treatment of individuals based on race, gender, age, disability, or other personal attributes. It can occur in various settings, including the workplace, educational institutions and public services.

The Government of Canada’s Restorative Engagement Program

The Government of Canada’s Restorative Engagement Program

In collaboration with an interdepartmental advisory working group, a panel of four recognized experts, including Linda Crockett, supported the development and implementation of a restorative engagement program and led the engagement process with various networks and organizations.

Institutional Betrayal

Institutional Betrayal

Internal and External Systems Betrayal: Understanding Its Impact and Exploring Solutions


Why? a poem by Trish

2023 World Survey Results

2023 World Survey Results

Anonymous International Survey on Workplace Bullying Survey Created by Linda Crockett founder of The Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying Resources...