Understanding employer and employee rights and responsibilities in relation to safely returning to work in the COVID-19 era and workplace bullying or harassment.

Are You Bullied at Work Because of an ADHD Diagnosis?
Employers should not that derogatory comments are a violation of employees human rights and can become a case of harassment,...

The Importance of a Trauma-Informed Approach to Workplace Investigations
Why has the vast and complicated area of “trauma” become so crucial for Human Resources professionals to understand?
What Employers Need to Know About Workplace Investigations
by Tom Girling
The Human Resource Corner – July 2021 Edition
Every month an HR Expert willanswer your questions and/or share thoughts and ideas related to human resources. We want to...
Recommended Websites
The employment of relatives can cause various problems including but not limited to charges of favoritism, conflicts of interest, family discord and scheduling conflicts that may work to the disadvantage of both the agency and its employees

A Look at the Psychological Abuse of Workplace Bullying
Linda joined The Heartland Connection podcast for a 2 part look at the psychological abuse of workplace bullying. Click below...

The Million Dollar Question: Why Me?
Article written by Linda Crockett founder of the Workplace Bullying Resource Centre (instituteofworkplacebullyingresources.ca) and co-author, Janice Gilligan White, founder of...

The Wound of Workplace Bullying: Anticipatory Grief and Complicated Grief
With Workplace Bullying, there are many losses anticipated, and many complicated layers. The loss of employment, safety, sense of self, and the loss of dignity.
Workplace Policy on Nepotism
The employment of relatives can cause various problems including but not limited to charges of favoritism, conflicts of interest, family discord and scheduling conflicts that may work to the disadvantage of both the agency and its employees

The Psychological Injury of Workplace Bullying is the Betrayal of Internal and External Systems
As a therapist I witness the symptoms of trauma experienced by targets of bullying far too often. Here are some of my thoughts on this workplace reality.
Guidelines to Finding a Qualified Workplace Bullying Specialist
As a therapist I witness the symptoms of trauma experienced by targets of bullying far too often. Here are some of my thoughts on this workplace reality.