

Workplace Bullying & Harassment Training

We offer services to support workplace management and normalize workplace psychological wellness.

Anti-bullying workshops


Half Day, Full Day, Two Day Workshops, Define and Address:

    • What is and What is not Workplace Harassment: and what to do about it.
    • Workplace Psychological Harassment, Psychological Violence, Bullying, Lateral Violence, Mobbing
    • Psychological Health, Psychological Injuries, Hazards, Warning Signs, and How to Address them.
    • In workshops we focus on: Prevention, Intervention and Resolution or Repair Strategies and Options
    • Content includes policies, procedures, OHS Legislation, research, stories, and anecdotal examples.
    • Training for Leadership and/or Training for Staff
    • We encourage discussions, questions, and interactive activities
    • Completion Certificates

    For consistency of staff training: we offer a New Hire Orientation Package. 

Workplace Bullying and Harassment Training for:

  • Oil and Gas, Trades, or Construction Industries, or Multidisciplinary Professional Teams
  • Social Workers: risks and opportunities
  • Nurses: risks and opportunities
  • Teachers: risks and opportunities
  • Lateral Violence and Bullying in Indigenous Workplaces
  • Domestic Violence Survivors. For those reentering or entering the workplace for the first time.
  • Youth Entering the Workplace: understanding policy, rights, and resources available.
  • Bullying Experienced by Seniors in Facilities. This training is for Staff, or Residents and Families.

Some Examples of Our Workshops

Workplace bullying and harassment resources and workshops

The Psychological Hazards of Psychological Harassment

with Linda Crockett
Full or Half Day Workshops

Workplace bullying support in the trades, Canada

Workplace Bulllying

Supporting All Genders in the Trades
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
with Linda Crockett & Tryna Ames

Prevention of Workplace Bullying Training for Adults with Disabilities course

Prevention of Workplace Bullying Training
for Adults with Disabilities

2 or 3 hour virtual course

Workplace bullying and harassment resources and workshops, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada

The Psychological Hazards of Psychological Harassment

with Sherry Benson-Podolchuk
Full or Half Day Workshops
in Saskatchwan, Manitoba & more


workplace courses

Workplace Courses Promoting Psychological Safety


when adults bully and harass

When Adults in the Community Bully and Harass Another Resident/Residents


Workshops for Workplace Coaches


Workshops on Seniors Bullying

What is it, how to recognize it and what to do about it.

Please click to learn more.


Workshops on Seniors Bullying

What is it, how to recognize it and what to do about it.

Please click to learn more.


Workshop, bullying, social workers

Workshops for Social Workers

Part A & B Available

trauma informed training

The Psychological Hazards of Psychological Harassment

Full or Half Day Workshops
in Calgary, southern Alberta & more
April 28, 2023

returning to work after COVID infographic

Risks and Opportunities for Social Workers: Psychological Harassment (Bullying)

The Profession of Social Work is one of the most diverse professions. This is exactly what is needed to address harassment at all ages, a team with a variety of skills, perspectives, experiences, and tools. From assessments, investigations, consultations, training, research, activism, building awareness, to coaching and counselling, you are needed. As social workers you may be working with clients, helping friends or family members navigate workplace systems, or you may be experiencing workplace harassment yourself, and/or witnessing this occurring for others. You will need this knowledge personally (risks) and/or professionally (opportunities). Learn from the only two social workers in Canada with this level of expertise. Pat and Linda have worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals. They offer many webinars for you to learn from and they remain a strong resource for all social workers.

When negative interpersonal interactions such as harassment and violence occur in the workplace, some will become distressed and others will develop significant psychological injury that results in changes in behavior, workplace relationships, and culture. Injuries that develop can range from mild to traumatic requiring a trauma informed approach to restoration. Revitalizing a workplace after investigated and supported/unsupported incidents of workplace harassment and violence requires a phased team approach, in our experience. We recommend a phased approach to healing and repair for individuals, teams, and institutions.

The Canadian Institute of Workplace Harassment and Violence (CIWHV) offers all organizations, professions, and industries a specialized service to address negative, conflictual, and destructive employee behaviors and actions that give rise to psychological distress and harm to others. Founder Linda Crockett has relentlessly advocated for psychological safety in the workplace for many years. She is recognized as an international expert in this area speaking at conferences in Canada, USA, and Europe, and has successfully helped create positive changes for all working Albertans through research, advocacy, awareness building, activism, education, train the trainer, mentoring, mediating, facilitating discussions, investigating, coaching, through to short/long term counselling and trauma therapy.

This training begins with an overview of definitions (what is and what is not psychological harassment), prevalence, tactics, characteristics (common themes), causes and risk factors. Facilitators also review a variety of restorative, repair, and recovery options. Training also focuses on what to do when a client, family member, social worker, or colleague, experiences workplace harassment. Case examples, exercises, Q/A, and interesting discussions will be included along with a booklet of handouts.

Linda Crockett is an ongoing resource for all social workers.